I’m going to write a letter to the president of the university about students being able to access the roof of buildings. This issue came of interest while lying in bed late Wednesday night. I was sending a text message when suddenly I hear a huge pound and then crack outside of the fire escape door. Frightened, I lay silently while my roommate wakes up, asking me what had happened. Clueless, we both crack the windows and see if we can see anything that is going on. Four boys make their way towards the south side of the building. Two of them climb up a set of stairs, onto the railing, and finally make their way onto the roof. One boy is holding a paper shredder and throws it onto the ground, disregarding anyone other than himself. The other boy gets a running start and chucks another piece of an electronical device off of the Lomasson Center roof. I grab my R.A., and she calls campus security. The police officers were so COMPLETELY nonchalant about the entire situation, and it made me EXTREMELY enraged. It’s not at all okay that people are physically able to get on top of buildings. It would be so easy to take advantage of other students from the top of other buildings. While watching the boys crawl on top of the buildings, all I could see was one of them pulling out a gun and shooting unsuspecting students. It’s a very busy parking lot, and where 4 of the larger dormitories congregate. We need to take safety into hand here, and get this situation fixed.